But instead of doing one thing dramatic, think about small experiments you can do in your current position that may help you understand your decisions higher. As per the decision, the monthly remuneration of Gana Sikhyaks who have not cleared the Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test has been increased Carrer News from Rs 7,000 to Rs 10,000. The Odisha Staff Selection Commission has released the tentative examination schedule for March 2024. The online software process has commenced on March 3 and can continue until March 17. The written examination will be held in 5 zones of Odisha-Balasore, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Sambalpur.
- Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James acknowledges fans after scoring to turn into the first NBA participant to reach forty,000 points in a career during the first half of an NBA basketball recreation Saturday in L.A.
- Blog posts focus on HR-related matters corresponding to regulatory compliance, leadership, and more.
- The month-to-month jobs numbers are primarily based on two information sources, which use subtly completely different definitions of employment.
- Each problem of the Employment News Paper contains complete job listings, including particulars about job openings, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines.